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  • B. Dunn Movement: Joan Fricke

A Timeless Bridge

In recent weeks we have established our growing cast for Phase 1 of Echo Immersion.

A new source of explorations have shifted to NourbeSe Phillip's book length poem, Zong!

Firstly, to understand the gravity of this exploration we encourage you to research the event that inspired this poem, the Zong Massacre.

In Phillip's poem, words are scattered, disjointed, and completely de-


s tr cc c

u c




ded ed d d

d d dd s n nn e


We explore how the deconstructed words inform movement

how the letters on the page may sound

where in the body does the sound come from

and where in the body do these letters live

we wonder if there is any point in trying to make sense of the words

we wonder if there is any point in trying to make sense of where the letters are placed

for some of us only embodying the sound is what makes sense.

This exploration is not mentally easy.

The sounds coming from our bodies

remind us of specific times in our own lives.

We are brought back to a different time.

Tapping into certain triggers

eliminates all feeling of time passed

and there we are, 8 again not knowing how to say what we are feeling.

Not having the language we are so fervently searching for.

feelings reduced to noises.

for now.

New dancers Damontae and Keilan in a guided exploration // B. Dunn dancers Sydney, Nadia, Joan


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